Online Termin vereinbaren bei Wimberger Zahnärzte in Berlin Mitte

Periodontal plastic surgery │ Prevent the decline of the gums

The health of your teeth depends on the health of your gums. Find out more about our periodontal plastic surgery in Berlin Mitte and how we prevent the decline of your gums.

Prevent the decline of the gums via periodontal plastic surgery

The health of your teeth depends on the health of your gums. Furthermore, the gums also have an aesthetic effect when smiling or laughing. However, many of our patients suffer from receding gums caused by illness, sub-optimal care, hereditary predisposition or simply old age. In our dental offices in Berlin Mitte we provide plastic reconstructive microsurgery of your gums, which is mostly painless and achieves lasting results.

wimberger ZAHNÄRZTE │ Dentist in Berlin Mitte

Reinhardtstraße 17

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Reinhardtstraße 17, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 3087 4930
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Logo: wimberger ZAHNÄRZTE in Berlin Mitte

Reinhardtstraße 17

Montag bis Donnerstag 8:00 - 20:30
Freitag 8:00 - 14:30 Uhr

Reinhardtstraße 17, 10117 Berlin

+49 30 30 87 49 30

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