Online Termin vereinbaren bei Wimberger Zahnärzte in Berlin Mitte

Digital 3D X-rays │ Optimized diagnostics and reduced radiation

We work with digital 3D X-rays. The image of your teeth is produced in seconds. At the same time, we optimize our diagnostics with digital 3D X-rays and reduce the radiation dose for you.

Digital X-rays have a number of advantages for patients, doctors and the environment

Digital X-rays is an imaging technique, which uses a digital image capture device. The image is stored on a computer within seconds and can be previewed immediately. Sharp image quality has led to improvements in making diagnoses. The digital image can be enlarged, and contrast and brightness can be adjusted. This eliminates the need for repeated exposures.

Digital X-rays improve dental treatment in other ways. The digital image can be displayed on different computers so that several doctors and staff can have access to it. It is of particular importance that everyone in a dental office in which several specialists are working on a patient’s successful treatment outcome – as is the case in our dental practice – have a comprehensive knowledge for making a diagnosis.

Compared to the conventional method, modern digital X-rays have a significantly lower radiation exposure, i.e., only 10 percent compared to conventional X-rays.

Environmental aspects also speak in favor of using the modern X-ray method. The environmentally harmful chemicals previously needed for developing the X-ray film are no longer necessary.

wimberger ZAHNÄRZTE │ Dentist in Berlin Mitte

Reinhardtstraße 17

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Reinhardtstraße 17, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 3087 4930
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Logo: wimberger ZAHNÄRZTE in Berlin Mitte

Reinhardtstraße 17

Montag bis Donnerstag 8:00 - 20:30
Freitag 8:00 - 14:30 Uhr

Reinhardtstraße 17, 10117 Berlin

+49 30 30 87 49 30

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