For us there is no standard dentures. Whether bridge, crown, veneer or implant - depending on your individual needs, the most suitable denture will be used. Find out more about the differences between the several dental prosthesis options that we offer in our dental offices in 10117 Berlin Mitte.
Beautiful, healthy teeth make you feel confident and attractive. If teeth are lost due to an accident, malposition or poor oral hygiene, this always has an impact on the quality of life. Additionally, missing teeth can cause pain and lead to permanent bone loss.
Dental prosthetics are a way to restore your mouth’s natural appearance and the full functionality of your teeth. A distinction is made between fixed and removable dentures. Fixed dentures include crowns, bridges, veneers and implants, whereas removable dentures are comprised of full and partial dentures.
When an artificial crown is used, it replaces the natural layer of the tooth. A crown is also referred to as a cap, which covers and protects the visible part of a tooth. Thus, a severely damaged tooth is restored to its former shape and size. The anatomical shape is kept as close as possible to the natural tooth.
Bridges are used to close gaps from missing teeth. First, two support teeth, or abutment teeth, on either side of the gap are shaved down and crowned. The bridge is then attached to them, thereby connecting the abutment teeth and bridging the gap. Veneers are thin, translucent shells made of plastic or ceramic.With removable dentures, a distinction is made between full and partial dentures.
If there is still a sufficient number of your own teeth remaining, partial dentures can be used. They are anchored to the healthy teeth.
In the case of a toothless jaw, however, the patient is usually in need of a full denture. The challenge here is that no natural teeth can be used for the attachment. The prosthetic is held in place solely by the suctioning effect of the oral mucosa. An exact fit of the denture base is essential to keep it securely in place.
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Reinhardtstraße 17, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 3087 4930
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Reinhardtstraße 17
Montag bis Donnerstag 8:00 - 20:30
Freitag 8:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Reinhardtstraße 17, 10117 Berlin
+49 30 30 87 49 30
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